
Im Ray!

Its nice to meet you!

Im glad you landed on my page! I am Ray Raya, a rising junior at Virginia Tech studying Computer Science with a track for Machine Learning. I am a newbie to the web development world, but I'm constantly fascinated by all the tools and libraries, so expect more to come!

My Hobbies


I love playing the guitar! Just playing Romance Anonimo and Stairway to Heaven calms the nerves. I'm not the best but I try to practice everyday. Biggest struggle at the moment is getting a good ring for barre chords.


I absolutely love playing soccer, its an even bigger stress reliever that playing the guitar. Not to mention it keeps me in shape, since I am running around everywhere as a midfielder. Unfortunately, I am not the biggest fan of watching soccer.


Coding can sometimes be tricky and seem difficult, but I have stuck with it since high school. It brings me a lot of joy when I solve a coding problem and even greater joy when I do it in a couple lines! When I have extra time I try to complete some coding challenges on Project Euler .