
Computer Science Courses

  • ECE 1004, Introduction to ECE Concepts
  • CS 1114, Introduction to Software Design
  • CS 2114, Software Design & Data Structures
  • CS 3754, Cloud Software Development
  • CS 2505, Intro to Computer Organization

Math Courses

  • MATH 1225, Calculus of a Single Variable
  • MATH 1226, Calculus of a Single Variable
  • MATH 2204, Intro Multivariable Calculus
  • MATH 2534, Intro Discrete Math
  • MATH 2114, Intro Linear Algebra
  • MATH 3134, Applied Combinatorics
  • STAT 4705, Statistics for Engineers
  • FIN 2114, Invest & Financial Literacy

Teaching Robotics and Engineering

President (Present)

  • Created material relevant to school course materials, in order to ease students into new fields. In turn, collaborated with different disciplines to find the best instructional methods.
  • Increased monthly attendance by 20% via the creation of engaging and challenging lessons, and implementation of easy to digest mediums.

Developer Student Community

Core Member (Present)

  • Worked with many different disciplines to create a product to present at a Google Sponsored Competition.
  • Lead several workshops that taught simple yet foundational technical skills to members.
  • Managed a fluctuating web development team for several side projects

Martian Subsurface Analysis Team

Embedded Systems Member (Present)

  • Implemented researching concepts to practice, with the creation of circuit schematics used for drone prototyping.
  • Collaborated with a variety of people from ranging backgrounds to effectively brainstorm and provide creative feedback on the prototyping process.
  • Jumped from topics such as Web Socket Programming and Raspberry Pi's to research to ensure that strict deadlines were met.